

-Yesterday and Today
written by Annelie Feder

The English version of Annelie Feder’s book “Eurasiers Yesterday and Today” is now available.

The book can be ordered direct from Annelie Feder. Place your order at annelie.feder@web.de.

The book costs 37.50 Euros; shipping and handling to all foreign countries will add another 7.00 Euros. (The price of the English version is higher than the German original as the first edition of the English version had a smaller print run than the German one).

Price: 37,50 € + 7,00 € postal rate

Payments can be made via Paypal at annelie.feder@web.de

Orders in the UK should be made direct from Brigitte Mordan-Grimm at alphaeurasier@gmail.com

Have a look here:


Buchtipp: Der Samoyede


Der Samoyede
written by Erna Bossi

His origen and his history.

Who is interested in learning more about the original breed of the Eurasier, this book is to be recommended for study.

The Samoyede is an ideal family dog and enduring sled dog.

20,50 EUR

To be ordered by:

To the website of the author


Tierpsychologie & Hundesprache

(Animal psychology and
dog`s language)
written by Jörg Tschentscher

This quite new booklet shall help you, to better understand your Eurasier. When ordering the book, please state, whether you wish an autograph or not.
Please click on the book.

6,50 EUR

To be ordered by:

Eurasier Journal

EFD club journal

A total view of our excisting Eurasier Journals with contents you will find in the EFD-shop.
Interesting non-members can receive the journal by the e-mail mentioned below. For EFD members it is free of charge.

Protection fee including
postage is

6,50 EUR

To be ordered by: